Saturday, December 15, 2012

Gun control!!!

I am sure the very title will get people up in arms. Every time there is some major mass shooting incident in the US the topic of "Gun control" is brought up again. People always say do not politicize a tragedy, and a tragedy should never be politicized. Why do people think that the concept of gun control is political. I study at Virginia Tech, the school witnessed one of the worst mass shooting incident in a US school so I for one knows how these incidents can affect a person. I personally feel that whenever there is an opportunity to we should learn from it. After the shooting, Virginia Tech installed an emergency alert system and it has proved its worth when there was another incident of shooting on campus. Other universities have installed similar system. I hope there are some positive changes with regards to gun control after this incident.

The argument that people who are against gun control present are sometimes like "we should all carry guns as we can protect ourselves against people who go on a killing spree" or "guns dont kill people, people kill people", which are all in my opinion just stupid. In my opinion the root cause for this is the easy access to gun that people have. No one says take the guns away, it should be harder for one to access to a gun. In my opinion it is harder to obtain a drivers license in the US than it is to own a gun. Why not make it harder to own a gun, make people go through a process to own a gun. Something similar to what people have to go through to get a drivers license — take a test before you get a learners permit, followed by waiting period and finally a driving test. It is very important to educate people about guns because they are really dangerous, unlike vehicles. The other issue one needs to consider is the kind of guns people are allowed to own. Why are people allowed to own automatic or semi-automatic assault rifles. Yes, their ownership is regulated but why should one own it. Nobody would go out and kill a deer with an AK-47, they are issued to soldiers in the army for war. I can keep going on about this, but one gets a general idea of what I mean here. The other equally important aspect is the mental health of all these people who went on a mass murder. I am no expert in this so will not comment on this. To summarize I believe if it is made harder for people to get a license to own a gun there will be fewer such incidents. I am really hoping some positive changes happen with regards to gun control in the US.